Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Make money with membership websites

make money with membership websites

WooCommerce is one of the most popular ecommerce platforms and the membership plugin looks to be just as popular. This best program covers and teach you ‘How to create membership website’, ‘How to make more profit in Membership sites’ and ‘How to earn more money in Membership site business? I would appreciate your input.

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Why Are Subscription and Membership Sites Important?

make money with membership websites
One of the biggest problems with blogging income is that most of the sources are one-off. Research shows it can take as many as seven touch points with someone before they buy your product. That means it takes as many as seven times for a reader coming to your blog, reading social media posts, reading your emails or other interactions to trust you enough to buy a product. You need to be constantly reaching out through advertising or new content to reach new people for a sale. Membership sites offer a way to actually grow the relationship with previous customers and turn that relationship into a source of monthly income.

Membership Websites Can Make Huge Money

One of the biggest problems with blogging income is that most of the sources are one-off. Research shows it can take as many as seven touch points with someone before they buy your product. That means it takes as many as seven times for a reader coming to your blog, reading social media posts, reading your emails or other interactions to trust you enough to buy a product.

You need to be constantly reaching out through advertising or new content to reach new people for a sale. Membership sites offer a way to actually grow the relationship with previous customers and turn that relationship into a source of monthly income.

Follow this guide to setting up and making money on membership sites…and keep the customers you work so hard to reach! The most common form of this is pages on your blog that are behind a password protection. Only members may login to access the pages and content. Remember the Members Only Jackets?

There are other types of membership sites. It may not even be a site but a series of emails you send out to members for a course of instruction. Most charge a monthly fee but others run on hybrid mixes of monthly fees and upsell to members. So there are two ways most bloggers make money on membership sites, either on monthly fees for access to the site or by selling products or services to members. I like the first method best, charging a monthly fee for membership. It can be a lot of work to set up and maintain a membership site.

It kind of sucks when you need to do that plus push further sales to make money. I also believe that if someone is paying a monthly subscription for access, you need to do everything you can to give them the world. I like being able to focus completely on providing as much value as possible for their monthly fee rather than holding some content back for another product to sell. The other idea is to charge a little less for membership but then upsell people into products, services and affiliates.

While I prefer the other model, this one is a smart way to run a membership site. In reality, the best way to run your membership site is somewhere in. I tend towards the higher membership fee and then rely less on product or affiliate sales but they do come in occasionally and can make for a great additional income stream. How you provide value to your members is limitless but there are some common ideas that seem to work.

You can use one or a combination of several to really give members value for their subscription. Create a WordPress plugin or an application and charge a monthly fee for use. This usually comes in the form of a series of emails that go out and teach members how to do. You can deliver all your content through emails or just keep the course material on members-only pages and then link each new part of the course in an email series.

One of the ideas behind a membership site is that it makes money from many customers at. You can charge more money with one-on-one consulting but it takes much more time. These are regular meetings where members of the group share their ideas and help others to solve their problems. Technically, mastermind groups are supposed to be a little more group-led rather than one person leading but they can work here as.

While you will probably be talking the most and guiding the group, paid mastermind groups can be a great way to build interaction and community among members. This may be less like the strict definition of a membership site and more like a business service but it is a great add-on to offer value to your members. There are a lot of different ways to offer monthly services.

It can be a personalized service like offering monthly tech fixes or SEO services to each member. It can also come in the form of a monthly newsletter or content tips. A forum is pages on your membership site that allow members to ask or reply to questions and talk between themselves.

There are different levels of control you can take with the forum. The obvious tradeoff is the time it takes to manage and the control you have to weed out spammers or non-relevant content.

The benefit of a forum is that it can grow to sustain itself if you can attract a few active members. A quality forum will be a resource for members.

Besides a way to offer different perspectives and expertise, guest speakers are also a way of getting the word out on your membership site. Can you narrow your topic by gender, age or other demographic? Top off your topic research with common questions you see on forums and Quora. Develop your membership site and content around answering these common questions and your members will see it as a one-stop resource.

You add a membership site to your blog through a plugin. MemberPress is an easy-to-use and basic membership site plugin that offers most features except ecommerce ability. WooCommerce is one of the most popular ecommerce platforms and the membership plugin looks to be just as popular. The plugin is a little more expensive but offers the ability to create multiple membership levels, both paid and free. MemberMouse is a monthly subscription plugin which means it costs less to get started but probably more expensive over the long-term.

The upside to the monthly price is that you get better customer service and updates than typically seen with one-time purchase plugins. My favorite of the membership plugins is the S2 Member plugin. S2Member integrates with all the major payment processors including PayPal and Clickbank.

Each of the membership site plugins will need to be configured after installing and it works a little differently on. First, sign up for S2 Member and select your plan. You can start with the free option. I like the added payment form options with the Pro version and they seem to boost member signups so you might consider the one-time fee for the extra features. After installing the plugin and entering your password from the S2 Member website, you will need to create two pages to get started.

The main S2 Member dashboard looks like the screen. You now have a membership site on your blog. Now you just need to link up your PayPal account to start receiving payments. Make sure to update your Member page regularly to show new members how to find their way around and to best content. We saw this on the webinar and courses post and it is just as relevant with membership sites. Remember, very few sales happen the first time someone sees a brand or a product.

Years of watching commercials on TV and people are blind to most forms of advertising. I hate academic theories as much as anyone but the AIDA acronym is extremely useful in making money blogging and something you need to be familiar using in your sales process. Just sending people to an advertising page rarely works, maybe converting three people out of into paying customers. Using a sales funnel where you start off by building awareness and interest before pushing the sale can result in much higher conversion of up to 20 customers per visitors.

For your membership sales funnel, you might start with a webinar. Promote your webinar through banners or links on your blog that lead people to a landing page sign up. Use the webinar process we talked about last week to convert people into members. You can also use an email series as a way to convert visitors into paying members. Set up a landing page to get email subscribers for a special course. This can be a small how-to course within your membership topic or anything that will help your target market solve a problem.

The landing page helps build awareness of your expertise. You then send out an autoresponder email series that delivers the course to subscribers. You should offer value in the emails as a standalone but can also pitch the membership site. The idea is that the emails help solve a smaller problem but subscribers will need the full membership access to find everything they need in the topic.

For the actual conversion to membership, I like offering a free two-week trial that automatically converts into make money with membership websites paid membership if not canceled. There is a lot to like about membership sites and they can be a great way to make money blogging but there are also drawbacks.

Membership sites will mean more work and more deadlines. If you promise your members a presentation or fresh content each month, you better deliver. There will be more work interacting with your members as. Monthly-paying members expect a level of customer service and access to your time. While one-on-one access can be managed by spelling out what members get for their money, you will still need someone to answer questions quickly.

Most of the bloggers I know with membership sites have a virtual assistant to help manage questions that come in from members. This all means that membership sites are much less passive than other sources of blogging income like affiliate marketing.

One of the reasons I love self-publishing so much is that book sales are so passive after a successful launch. Membership sites can be made more passive with a forum or with a drip-feed content that goes out to all new members. As with most of the product ideas in our making money blogging series, procrastination and self-doubt is your biggest hurdle.

Read everything you can to build your expertise in a topic and get started. Try starting your membership site off with a lower, limited-time price. Offer membership to your most committed email subscribers and some other connections that might be a good fit. Let them know you want to use them as guinea pigs so are willing to let them in at a super-discounted price. Put together a basic course to get people started and then develop the rest as you go.

Remember though that what works for one blogger might not work for you. Be flexible in how you manage your membership site and what you offer members. Providing a regular stream of advice is fine but members can get that anywhere…for free. Members join because of your story and your success.

Make Money with Membership Websites

Let’s have make money with membership websites personal and meaningful conversation. Even so, for many passive income streams, such as information productsyou have to start at zero each month and hope you sell enough to wwith your goals. Also, the survey asks for your email address, so they can build their list. Many people who write in the online marketing space jump on the bandwagon and talk about the benefits of owning some kind of subscription based income stream. And, an SSL certificate is required to make secure transactions. I needed to do something about the attrition rate.

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